My Pet Air Plant™ Pet Air Plant Adoption Kit

- A healthy real LIVE Pet Air Plant
- Your Pet Air Plant Birth Certificate Card complete with unique name, date of birth, family & species and including the official Tilly Central gold seal of authenticity.
- Adoption Certification with the requirements for Pet Air Plant Adoption and a signature panel to be signed by the Human Adoptive Parent.
- The illustrated full-color My Pet Air Plant Adoption & Care Guide book complete with detailed instructions on preparing your home for your pet, bathing, feeding, water, grooming, sunshine requirements, fun facts etc.
- A pet carrier to transport your pet safely to your home.
- An "I Adopted A Pet Air Plant Today!" sticker to proudly wear and help spread the word about the need for Pet Air Plant Adoption!
- Oodles and oodles of fun and joy as you care for your Pet Tilly!